Our Inner Beauty Essentials
03/08/2020 2021-09-26 19:38
Our Inner Beauty Essentials
They say what you put on your skin is only half the story, and ingestible beauty products are huge right now. A lot of that is due to the fact that for many people, they really do work. Ingestibles have come a long way and are no longer seen as a health supplement but rather as an integral part of a wider, holistic health and beauty approach. Add in some select superfoods and key vitamins, and you’ll definitely reap the benefits!
A few things to consider adding to your beauty arsenal are…
IMBIBE Miracle Collagen
Scientifically developed to help nourish your gut at the same time as plumping and firming your skin from within, IMBIBE’s Miracle Collagen is a bioactive formula with 18 amino acids that was specifically designed to transform and stimulate collagen synthesis and skin elasticity from the inside out. It is 100 percent bioactive, which means that every molecule is stimulating collagen production in the skin, and it targets the area where wrinkles and skin sagging can form, rather than just at the surface level. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and with age, collagen production slows. This makes it an essential addition to your daily to-do list, and we think IMBIBE definitely does it best!
IMBIBE Beauty Renewal
Byron Bay-based IMBIBE are all about loving your gut, and their probiotic concentrate-based formula known as Beauty Renewal aims to deliver exactly that. Bio-fermented Beauty Renewal is unique in that whilst it’s a whole food, it also contains eight different strains of probiotics that are essential for gut health. And when the gut is nourished, the flow-on effects are beautiful skin and hair and of course a myriad of other benefits like better moods, better digestion, and more. A delicious three-in-one tonic, it includes the aforementioned probiotic concentrate for overall gut-health and microbiome care, antioxidants to help to fight free-radical damage which can lead to early signs of ageing, and bio-fermented coconut water to increase hydration levels, leaving your skin and gut feeling supple and nourished.
Eat immunity boosting foods
As the weather gets colder and flu season starts, it’s important for your immune system to be in tip-top shape – and certain foods help boost the condition of your skin, too. The humble beetroot is a nutritional powerhouse and is chock full of essential nutrients including folate, vitamin C, potassium, and iron, all of which help boost immunity, aid nerve, and muscle function, and support natural detoxification. Beets also contain potent antioxidants called betalains, which have disease-fighting anti-inflammatory properties that have a knock-on effect for your skin. Try to shop local if you can, and eat seasonally so what’s going into your body is at its optimum best.
Supplement with extra Vitamin C
Wherever you are in the world, chances are you are dealing with stress and unpredictable weather, yes? Both wreak havoc on your immune system and skin, meaning that you need to give your body all the help it needs to keep strong and healthy. Key to keeping well is regular Vitamin C, sometimes loads. The human body is unable to manufacture it and relies on daily dietary intake to meet its needs, but one can only eat so many oranges or kiwifruit and a supplement needs to be added to the mix. Vitamin C supplementation has been shown to enhance the immune system; promote wound healing; support neurotransmitter and hormone production and promote the health of all cells in the body. A great formula is Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C, which is made by encapsulating Vitamin C in tiny spheres of essential phospholipids known as Liposomes. This technology of encapsulation helps to protect the Vitamin C, while the phospholipids are easily absorbed by our cells, increasing bioavailability and transporting it directly into the bloodstream and cells.
Throw some Zinc in the mix
Zinc is a mineral involved in numerous chemical reactions your body carries out every minute. Every cell in your body needs zinc in some capacity. For example, zinc plays a vital role in vision, hearing, growth, and wound healing. Zinc also regulates cell production and turnover and can help reduce the amount of oil your skin produces and prevent pores from clogging in the first place. And because zinc acts as an enzyme cofactor, it has been shown to assist in collagen synthesis and DNA repair, which can help keep skin looking younger and healthier. Foods rich in zinc are heavily skewed towards animal-based sources with beef, lamb, turkey, seafood, and shrimp topping the list. If you eat a vegetarian or vegan diet, you’re at greater risk for zinc deficiency, so try searching out a supplement from a reputable brand and consider yourself covered.
Chomp on some Chia
A top-notch smoothie ingredient, sprinkling a spoonful of Chia seeds into your morning meal means you’re netting one of the richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids around. Omega-3 fatty acids help provide building blocks for healthy skin cell function and new collagen production to keep the skin foundation strong and wrinkle-free, whilst the fibre in Chia seeds aids with digestion.