

Tools for Quick, Calming Midday Breaks

tools for quick calming midday breaks

Tools for Quick, Calming Midday Breaks

In an age where stress levels are high and productivity is king, more and more people are finding it hard to turn off at any time of day. When it feels like you’re surrounded by busy-ness and a little overwhelmed, some surprisingly simple things can help you rest, relax and reset.

Here are some of our favourite ways to take a break in the middle of the madness – wherever you are.


Try turning to mindfulness

Mindfulness is a state of being that we’re ideally looking to cultivate in our everyday life. It needn’t be an arduous practice requiring a dedicated Zen space, meditation cushion or a thousand crystal sound bowls. Quick, effective meditation moments, mindful movement, mindful eating, and body scans are all valid forms of mindfulness that can help make for a great well-being break in your day, and even just the act of doing the dishes can be mindful if you make it so. You’re left feeling recharged and re-centred, and ready to go about your day.

If you’re short on time, a quick, two-minute breathing exercise you could try is as follows:

​- Settle. Take a moment to settle in a comfortable position, then close your eyes or lower your gaze and just soften them, to limit visual distractions. 

– Relax. See if you can notice any areas of physical tightness or tension. That might mean dropping your shoulders, softening the muscles around the eyes, or relaxing the belly.

– ​Check-in. Noticing where your body touches the ground or the chair. What does it feel like to have the weight of gravity pulling you down? 

– Breathe. Inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth.

– Notice. Observe the pause in between each inhalation and exhalation. Notice the sensation of the air as it passes through the nostrils and mouth. You might even notice the belly rising and falling with each inhale and each exhale.

You can use this short meditation to recharge in the middle of a busy day, or even stay with the process for as long as you like after you’re home and feeling the need to wind down.


Stop and smell the roses (or lavender)

The part of the brain that processes odours is very close to the part that houses emotions – as well as memories. When you inhale a scent that you love, you naturally breathe more deeply, which can help you to relax in a surprisingly quick amount of time.

When you can’t hit the nearest florist or local gardens for a sniff of what you fancy, reach for essential oils, which we can use to minimise our stress, anxiety, or any other emotional trauma instantly. Carry a little roll-on or two with you wherever you go, or choose body products or natural parfums that evoke your favourite scent memories.

Some particular favourites for a midday reset are:

  • Lavender – reduces mental stress
  • Jasmine – uplifting and relaxing
  • Rose – nourishes the heart and evokes feelings of reassurance
  • Peppermint – reduces fatigue


Shake it off

It’s no secret that exercise increases endorphins, the brain’s feel-good transmitters. It improves your mood, energises you, helps you to relax and sleep better, and when your body feels good, so does your mind. Consider taking a brisk walk at lunchtime if the weather allows, and it’s even better if you have a park or some kind of nature zone nearby. You don’t need to beat yourself up in a high-intensity class, but getting your heart rate up for 20 minutes or so will do wonders for your mood.


Consider a visit downstairs

Yes, we’re talking sex – and it needn’t be a roll in the sheets with your significant other, just a date with one of our favourite Smile Makers models. The benefits of regular orgasms are seemingly endless: not only can they help you sleep better, but orgasms can also boost your immunity, promote bone health, and clear your skin.

How? The brain manufactures and releases substances called neurotransmitters and neuropeptides during sexual stimulation and orgasm. These substances are wonderful for your overall physical and emotional wellbeing, so if there was ever a time we needed to reap the benefits of orgasms, it’s now.

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