5 Exercises to Quickly Reduce Bloating
17/05/2021 2021-09-26 18:28
5 Exercises to Quickly Reduce Bloating
Is there anyone who hasn’t dealt with annoying bloating at some point, especially when it’s time to pull on a pair of skinny jeans with standing room only? Whether you experience a little bloating on the regular or maybe just occasionally after a big meal, it doesn’t hurt to have a few tools in your wellness arsenal to use when it strikes.
Walk it out
One way to begin the process of alleviating a tight tum is by putting on some sneakers and simply mindfully walking around the block. In just 10 to 20 minutes of quick stepping, you'll get your insides moving and feel a heck of a lot better than you would had you opted for sitting around groaning about feeling stuffed. The first few steps are always the hardest, but trust us – you’ll feel a whole lot better afterwards.
Get high
A simple exercise that can be done anywhere, high knees work your calves, quads, hamstrings, shins, and your abdominal muscles. When more than one muscle is being worked at the same time, you burn more calories and, with this list of muscles worked, you’ll also be jarring your belly away from any painful bloating. Take it slow at first and
gradually build up speed and height. You never know – once you get going you might be motivated enough to pull off a full home workout! Or not… the choice is yours!
On your bike
Going for a cycle is one way to shift bloat, but hitting the floor and busting out a few bicycle crunches is even better. This exercise is a guaranteed bloat killer and it challenges your fitness because you are crunching your abs and obliques and really getting a great squeeze in your core. Aim to complete 20 reps if you can, or until you’re really starting to feel the burn and the bloated feeling is starting to ease.
Doggy style
If you check in here regularly, you’ll know that we’re big fans of a regular yoga and mindfulness practice for overall wellbeing. One of the most well-known yoga poses, Downward-Facing Dog will not only engage your core, but also provide just the right stretch and push from gravity to make you feel less bloated in no time. You don’t need to be in a tranquil studio by the beach to pull one off either – just be sure not to hyperextend your knees and to do your best to make the upside-down V shape associated with the pose. Hold for a few seconds or until you’re not comfortable, then drop down into a Child’s Pose for a break.
Just breathe…
It has been said that deep breathing is like an internal shower for your organs. It helps activate your transverse abdominis (essentially your laughing and coughing muscles), and also helps flush out the stagnant CO2 to create space for new oxygen to invigorate your cells. Practicing diaphragmatic breathing will definitely help with future bloat, with research showing that the diaphragm, a muscle in its own right, needs regular exercise in order to keep its memory strong! Plus, research on stress shows that breathing from the diaphragm can help improve your attention while reducing cortisol, a hormone your body produces when you’re stressed. A deep breath allows your mind to calm down, strengthens your breathing muscles, and helps with muscle tissue oxygenation — so worthy of a few moments out of your day whether you’re feeling bloated or not.