Our Top Wrinkle Fighting Foods
29/11/2021 2022-08-21 15:59
Our Top Wrinkle Fighting Foods
As skin ages, that plump, youthful complexion we once had starts to shift as our collagen and elastin levels decrease. Additionally, free radical damage from the sun, pollutants, smoking, stress and alcohol can all contribute to fine lines and wrinkles. Another key factor? Your diet. Yes, what you eat affects the overall look and tone of your skin, and that includes its youthful, radiant vibe.
So along with shielding your skin from the environment and limiting your Pinot intake, being mindful of what you eat might help prevent lines and wrinkles – and even lessen the appearance of the ones already in place. Let’s talk about how to eat your way to younger-looking skin…
Who doesn’t love an avocado? And with the delicious wonder available in abundance right now, there’s no excuse to go without. The average avo contains a fat so tiny it can slip through membranes and protect the mitochondria and DNA from free radical damage, making it a must for great skin. Add avocado to your salad, your morning toast or even a wrap filled with baby greens, protein, tomatoes and capsicum for a truly skin-loving meal.
Pumpkin Seeds
It has been said that there might be a bit of magic in pumpkin seeds since they can help address the appearance of wrinkles and acne scars. Loaded with zinc, vitamin E, sulphur, and omega 3 fats, pumpkin seeds heal, nourish, restore, and hydrate the skin. They can also help repair blemish marks when you’ve had a breakout. Throw them on a salad and eat them raw because their delicate fats are destroyed when exposed to too much heat.
Omega 3s
There’s a reason you’ve read time and time again about how amazing omega 3 fatty acids are for your skin. Foods rich in omega 3s reportedly “stifle” your body’s response to irritation, and attract water to skin cells to plump up the skin and reduce fine lines. Fish, such as halibut, mackerel, salmon, and tuna, contains omega 3 fatty acids, which have even been shown to reduce inflammation caused by UV rays. It is thought that fish lowers prostaglandin E2 levels to prevent collagen breakdown, and some studies have shown that when eaten in combination with vitamin E and C, omega 3 fatty acids can promote collagen synthesis.
Vitamin C
Essential to collagen production, Vitamin C helps improve the skin’s ability to renew itself. Vitamin C can help fend off the signs of ageing because of its vital role in the body’s natural collagen synthesis, helping to heal damaged skin and, in some cases, reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Adequate vitamin C intake can also help repair and prevent dry skin. Try incorporating vitamin C–packed foods like dark leafy greens, broccoli, capsicums, strawberries, oranges, and papaya in your diet and reap the benefits.
This cruciferous veggie is not only great for adding fibre and plant-based protein to your diet, but it can also fight off fine lines when you eat enough of it. Broccoli has a huge anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing component, and is usually very affordable for most of the year. Try it sautéed with garlic and olive oil as an easy side dish.
Olive Oil
In addition to monounsaturated lipids, olive oil contains antioxidants such as vitamin E and polyphenol. Vitamin E can prevent collagen breakdown in the skin, which results in wrinkles, and polyphenols have been shown to work well with sunscreen to prevent UV from damaging the skin and even may help prevent skin cancer.
Focusing on a diet rich in protein will not only retain the integrity of your skin, but it will keep you feeling empowered and strong at any age. The amino acids found inside help with the regeneration of skin cells and collagen, which is responsible for maintaining the skin’s structural support. Simply put, if maintaining firm skin as you age is a priority, focus on protein – be it in the form of scrambled eggs for brunch, or a hearty steak for dinner.