5 Ways to Start Living Plastic Free
15/11/2021 2022-03-10 20:15
5 Ways to Start Living Plastic Free
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll be aware that plastic has become one of the most harmful materials to our environment. From polluting oceans and harming wildlife, to filling up landfills for decades without decomposing, this material is having devastating short term and long term effects on our planet. Living as plastic-free as possible can be challenging, but it is important for all of us to do what we can.
Our society has become increasingly dependent on plastic products, so making the shift to living with less plastic (and, eventually, living plastic-free) is definitely a journey. To help point those of you who may want to make the shift in the right direction, here are five tips to reducing your plastic use and eventually, living plastic-free…
Choose products with biodegradable packaging
Paper, glass, and plastic are a few materials that are used in packaging to protect foods and merchandise, but once the product is unwrapped at home, chances are it’s quickly tossed out. While more and more is being recycled, it still takes a heck of a long time before these materials can be broken down. Your next best bet is choosing products with biodegradable packing made from materials like mushroom or starch, which naturally decay into soil over time. This kind of packaging is much better for the planet, and the less junk sitting in landfills that take hundreds or thousands of years to break down can only be a good thing.
It has been reported that more than 120 billion units of packaging are produced every year by the cosmetics industry alone – and the majority of it is not recycled. If this level of consumption continues, by 2050 there will be a terrifying 12 billion tonnes of plastic in landfills. With this scary stat in mind, opt for brands that strive for change.
Carry reusable shopping bags, every time
With so many different options for reusable shopping bags now available, there really is no excuse for not keeping a few on hand. Carry whatever works for you. Some people like reusable canvas totes, while others prefer to put their purchases into a backpack if they bike or walk to work or the shops. If you have a car, keep your grocery bags in it and remember to bring them into the supermarket with you! And one more thing: reusable bags are not just for groceries. Carry them for all your purchases, from electronics to beauty products and clothing.
Give up bottled water
Not only does it come in a plastic bottle, but tremendous resources are used to extract, bottle, and ship it. And many brands of bottled water are simply filtered tap water. Get a reusable stainless steel bottle or stainless steel travel cup, fill it up with water before leaving the house, and refill it wherever you happen to be. Again, there are so many options available out there to fit every life and style, so find the perfect fit for you and make it your new travel companion.
Say no to plastic produce bags
They are generally unnecessary, and thankfully many supermarkets are now going plastic-free in the produce aisle. And really: what are we worried about? That the produce will get dirty? Hey, it grew in the dirt, and we’re going to wash it anyway! Get into the habit of putting your produce directly into your trolley or in a reusable string bag like the ones from Eco Bag.
Hit the bars
Make the change to bars – and we’re not just talking hand and body soap. Like hand soaps and shower gels, single-use plastic tends to be the default packaging for most shampoos and conditioners. And, just like hand soap and shower gels, if you’re looking to cut plastic out of your hair care routine entirely, buying bar versions of both shampoo and conditioner is the simplest way to go.
The pros of using bar shampoo and conditioners to wash hair are pretty much the same as for your hands or the shower – no plastic (and much less packaging altogether), much longer-lasting, lower carbon footprint for transporting the product, and fewer chemical ingredients. For many beauty enthusiasts, the lower chemical content of shampoo bars is an additional benefit, as most shampoo bars are “sulphate-free”.
We love the bar soap and shampoo and conditioner bars from New Zealand’s own Ethique. A single Ethique shampoo bar is the equivalent of three bottles of traditional shampoo, and making the change is easier than you think! You can also wave goodbye to your pumpable body lotion with a delicious Butter Block from Ethique. You have to remember to apply after a shower before fully towelling off, but the moisture passed on by just a few passes of one of their blocks is enough to put that nasty plastic pump well into retirement.