How to Become a Morning Person (And Love It)
15/08/2022 2022-08-15 10:38
How to Become a Morning Person (And Love It)
Have you ever met someone who is so bubbly first thing in the morning that you wonder how on earth they can be peaking so early? You’re not alone!
If you’re not a natural morning person, the first hours of the day can be rough. You’re probably grumpy and tired, and don’t feel ready to deal with life. But if you want to make the most out of your entire day, it’s a good idea to learn how to embrace the morning hours.
If you can wake up feeling energised and raring to go, you’ll set yourself up for a more productive and successful day ahead. Here are a few easy tips to kick you into gear…
Clear your space before bed
Nothing is quite as demotivating as waking up to a dirty kitchen, chaotic bedroom, or messy home office. Take a few minutes before bed to tidy up your living spaces. That way, you’ll wake up feeling more relaxed because everything is in its place. You don’t need to go full Marie Kondo, but waking up to a little extra order will help you feel like each day is a fresh start.
Also: unplug before bed. Stop checking email, and avoid social media for at least an hour before sleep. Instead, perhaps spend some time reflecting on your day, or try a pre-sleep breathwork exercise if you’re feeling a little wired.
Move your alarm across the room
If your alarm clock isn’t able to be easily accessed from bed, you’ll be forced to get up to turn it off! This will reduce the urge to fall back to sleep, getting you up and moving first thing before you even realise it. Some experts recommend investing in a ‘real’ alarm clock instead of relying on your phone, that way you can leave the latter in another room and won’t feel the need to check Instagram just that one more time before sleep.
Take a few moments before the day kicks in
Quiet your mind from the moment you open your eyes by making time for purposeful silence. This is a chance to engage in mediation, practice mindfulness, or even just sit quietly and allow yourself to feel peaceful. Start with five minutes and increase the length over time if it’s helpful. You may even want to roll out your mat and do some sun salutations if you’re a yogi – even on a rainy winter’s day!
Get hydrated
We all wake up feeling dehydrated to some degree, so kick in the rehydration process from the get-go by drinking some water – even add some lemon or fresh ginger slices if you’re feeling fancy!
Embrace routine
When you wake up, try and approach your morning skincare routine with a thoughtful mindset, applying each step in a considered way. Hey, even feel free to throw in some affirmations while you’re in front of the mirror – the more positive, the better! And feel free to fake it til you make it by harnessing the powers of skincare products with ingredients like caffeine in them for an extra boost right when you need it. Tailor Skincare Awaken Caffeine Eye Cream and Trilogy CoQ10 Eye Recovery Concentrate are CBC bestsellers for a reason!
And remember: some mornings you won’t be able to stick to your routine. Something will come up, something will throw you off, and you won’t be able to do things the way you normally would. That’s okay. Be flexible, and recognize that disruption in your morning routine is inevitable — it doesn’t mean your whole day is ruined.
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